make your Donation

R$ 30,00/month

With this amount, you guarantee access for a child to our social and transformation projects throughout the year.

R$ 60,00/month

With this amount, you guarantee access for two children to our social and transformation projects throughout the year.

R$ 120,00/month

With this amount, you guarantee access for three children to our social and transformation projects throughout the year.

Your donation supports the
local initiatives in the Sertão

Make your donation to Instituto Novo Sertão and support our social transformation projects in the northeastern Sertão.

what my
is donation helping?


Dozens of courses and lectures offered by our team for people from the hinterland


of people receiving extra income through our income generation projects

200 volunteers

mobilized for social actions in the Sertão

More than 300

children and young people assisted weekly

More than 240

hours of social activities offered monthly in the Sertão

You can also make your donation through other channels.

PIX key:

Bank transfer

Bank: Box (104)
Agency: 3467
Checking Account: 623-0
Variation: 003
Novo Sertão Institute
CNPJ 22.985.281/0001-11

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